Sunday, February 3, 2008

On Reclaiming Indonesian Dignity

This county of mine shall not perish nor annihilated. My countrymen should wake up and take the responsibility on their shoulders. This things that we have created, only we can demolish. This embarrasment toward our dignity rooted on our foolishness, our ego, our greed. Shatter your ego, my dear countrymen. Educate yourself endlessly. What a shame on you to have that greediness. Thy should know that greed only brought you back to your animal instinct. Raise up you children of immortality. This world is yours. Help others, for those who have realized their lights. Be patient and pray, for those who live in no light. Our undecaying spirit, immortal thought, bright vision will encompass any obstacle that we'll shall find. Be brave, this world is only for those who have guts. Never surrender, never give up. Wipe your tears o holy mother nation, your childs is marching toward gloriness.

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